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  • Why You Should Put People in Your Posts (Because, You Know, It's Social Media)

Why You Should Put People in Your Posts (Because, You Know, It's Social Media)

You can't stop marketing your business

Let’s face it, nobody logs onto social media to be bombarded with ads screaming “Buy this!” Yet, that’s exactly what a lot of businesses do. They treat social media like it’s a one-way street for selling their stuff or themselves. But here’s a news flash: It’s called social media for a reason. It’s about people connecting with people. That’s why throwing some human faces into your posts can really jazz things up. And not just promoting yourself, but the people around you!


It's All About the Feels

Here’s the scoop: We humans are pretty simple creatures. We like faces. We like stories. We like to feel things. When someone scrolls through their feed and sees a real person, their brain lights up like a Christmas tree. It’s all those good chemicals firing up, making them more likely to hit that like or share button. Think about it: would you rather read a story about someone enjoying a cup of coffee or just stare at a picture of a coffee cup? I know which one I’d pick (hint: it involves humans).

Trust Me, It Works

Trust is king. Showing real people, whether it’s your team or happy customers, adds a layer of trust that no amount of polished ad copy can achieve. It’s like saying, “Hey, real people here use and love our stuff. No robots involved.” Customer stories and employee highlights make your brand feel more genuine, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to buy from someone they trust?

Keep It Real and Social

Remember, social media isn’t just a billboard. It’s a cocktail party (without the fancy drinks). Posts with people invite conversation. They’re the ones that get comments, shares, and all that good engagement that tells social media algorithms to spread them far and wide. So next time you’re about to post another product photo, maybe try a pic of someone using your product in real life. Watch the likes roll in!

Real Talk: Success Stories

Need proof? Let’s take a peek at Brand X (totally made up, but stick with me). They started sharing customer selfies with their products. Boom—engagement through the roof. Then there’s Techy Company Y. They shared videos of their team nerding out over their latest gadget. Result? More followers and a bunch of people wanting to work there. See the pattern?

How to Make It Happen

Alright, you’re convinced. Here’s how to add some human sparkle to your social media:

  • User-Generated Content is Gold: Run a contest where customers share their own pics with your product. Feature them on your page.

  • Behind-the-Scenes Magic: Show what’s happening behind the curtain. People love feeling like insiders.

  • Cheers to Success Stories: Regularly showcase how your products are helping real folks. Bonus points if it’s solving problems they didn’t even know they had.

Wrapping It Up

Turning your social media from a salesy snoozefest into a buzzing account doesn’t just happen. It takes a shift from pushing products to celebrating people. Remember, social media should be more about making connections and less about making sales pitches.

So next time you’re planning your content, think about how you can get a little more personal and a lot more social. It might just turn your brand into the life of the online party!